It is indeed a very proud moment for orange city that ISA Nagpur bagged total of 11 awards at ISACON, Shirdi (Maharashtra State Conference) held on 4th to 7th October including awards to city branch and individual achievements.
- 1st Best City Branch Award
- 1st Best Public awareness Award
- 2nd Membership drive award
- Consolation prize for Best Ether day celebrations
- Special appreciation to ISA Nagpur for noble work.
- Individual 1st Best Public awareness award to Dr. Sheetal Dalal, Past president , ISA NCB
- Special appreciation award to Dr. Gauri Arora, Past Secretary, ISA NCB for recieving presidents appreciation award at ISACON 2017, Kolkata.
- Special appreciation award to Dr. Vaishali Shelgaonkar , Associate professor , Anaesthesiology, IGGMC , Nagpur
- Special appreciation award to Dr. Sunita Lawange , President , ISA NCB
- 2nd Best misanews review award to Dr. Sunita Lawange.
- 1st prize to Dr. Amrusha Chouksey, Asst. Prof. Anaesthesiology, GMC , Nagpur in teachers caregory in poster competition.
ISA NCB congratulates all the members and expresses heartfelt gratitude to all as award is a reward for joint hardwork, support and devotion of entire branch .