COLS activity on REPUBLIC DAY 2022
ISANCB conducted the COLS activity for the members of the Rotary club Green city Nagpur and Inner wheel club of Orange city Nagpur on the occasion of the Republic day on 26th January 2022 on zoom platform at 5 pm.
Dr. Sharda Roshankhede, President of Rotary Club Green city Nagpur has welcomed Dr. Kiran Vyawahare, President ISANCB. Dr. Kiran Vyawahare informed the gathering about COLS activities conducted under the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations of ISA National.
Dr. Anjali Borkar executive member ISANCB has explained in Hindi about “How to save one life,” by PowerPoint presentation in detail.
Dr. Sonali khobragade had given the training of the steps to be done while giving the compression to save life. She explained it in manner so that the common public can safely perform the procedure. She also narrated the golden hour time concept so that the outcome of the COLS is also good.
The training was given to 30 participants.
Dr. Sheetal Dalal GC member MSCISA joined the program on virtual mode. Secretary of Innner wheel club Mrs. Komal Akbari also joined virtually.
GC member MSCISA and immediate past President Dr. Saurabh Barde and treasurer Dr. Sachin Makade, Dr. Neelesh Mathankar executive member, actively participated for the demonstration of the COLS.
The President of Inner wheel club Orange City Nagpur Mrs. Padma Dethe had proposed vote of thanks on behalf of the club .
Official vote of thanks were proposed by Hon. Secretary Dr. Sarita Joglekar.