Installation of the new Executive team of ISA Nagpur City Branch 2019-20

On the 31st of March 2019, Sunday, the new team of ISA, NCB for the year 2019-20 was installed in the hands of Dr. Murlidhar Joshi, President Elect, ISA National & Director, Virinchi Hospitals, Hyderabad in the presence of Dr. Milind Pol, President, ISA, Maharashtra State Chapter and Dr. Lokendra Singh, illustrious Neuro-surgeon of the city, Director, CIIMS, Nagpur as Guests of Honour. The Ceremony was attended by large number of ISA members and members of other medical fraternity as well as family and friends. Dr. Manisha Shembekar, Consultant Anaesthesiologist was installed as President and Dr. Soma Cham, Associate Professor, Government Medical College & Hospital, Nagpur was installed as the Hon. Secretary.
Dr. Manisha Shembekar is a well-known Obstetric Anaesthesiologist & Director, Omega Hospital. She is involved in many social undertakings & public awareness activities to spread the message of safe pregnancy and save the girl child. She is a member of organisations like ISSP, IMA, AMS and Obstetrical Anaesthesiology Society. She has served the ISA NCB as the executive member for 2 years (2005-06) and Hon. Secretary for 2 years (2007-08). Dr. Soma Cham is an Associate Professor and at present working at Trauma Care Centre, an auxiliary unit of GMC, Nagpur. She also is member of organisation like IMA, AMS and at present the executive member of ISSP.
The new team includes Dr. Sunita Lawange, Immediate Past President, Dr. Umesh Ramtani as Immediate Past Secretary, Dr. Saurabh Barde as President Elect, Dr. Pratibha Deshmukh as Special Executive, Dr. Deepak Madankar, Hon. Treasurer and Dr. Sarita Joglekar as Clinical Secretary. The executive members are Dr. Ravindra Mundada, Dr. Ritesh Borkar, Dr. Swapna Bhure, Dr. Ketki Marodkar, Dr. Amrusha Choukasey, Dr. Deepak Ruparel and Dr. Rajkumari Wadhwani.
In her acceptance speech, Dr. Manisha Shembekar congratulated the past executive team for the stupendous achievement and said that she and her team would work hard towards making the common public more aware about anaesthesia as a specialty & its importance. She and her team would continue the great initiative of tree plantation undertaken by the preceding team and carry forward the Basic Life Support activity as a part of public awareness programme with the theme for the year ‘We care, from Birth to Rebirth’.
Dr. Murlidhar Joshi congratulated the new team and advised member anaesthesiologists to document their work and present and publish papers to have our own data. He added that apart from academic activities, anaesthesiologists should re-invent themselves by pursuing some hobby.
Stressing on the importance of an anaesthesiologist, Dr. Lokendra Singh in his speech said that the surgeon operates confidently, when the anaesthesiologist has the total control of the vitals of the patient, and highlighted on the relationship between a surgeon and an anaesthesiologist.
Dr. Milind Pol appreciated the work done by the ISA, Nagpur Team and urged members to continue with the good work by supporting the new team.
Dr. Umesh Ramtani, Immediate Past Secretary presented a well compiled report of the work undertaken during his tenure which was highly appreciated by all dignitaries.
The second issue of the triannual eSense ISA Nagpur newsletter was released by Guest of Honour, Dr. Milind Pol. Dr. Amrusha Choukasey, Dr. Deepak Ruparel & Dr. Ketki Marodkar contributed informative articles for the issue.
In an attempt to answer anaesthesia related doubts of patients and relatives as well as to create awareness, booklets ‘Anaesthesia – All you need to know before taking one’ with FAQs both in English and Marathi, was also released in the hands of Chief Guest, Dr. Murlidhar Joshi.
Dr. Sunita Lawange, Immediate Past President, delivered the Late Dr. NT Balankhe Memorial Oration on ‘Clinical pearls in the evaluation and management of Chronic pain’. The oration was very informative and helpful. Dr. Ghosh, Prof. Emeritus and Dr. CS Cham, President, West Zone, ISA Chapter, President ISSP Nagpur Branch chaired the session.
The Masters of Ceremony, Dr. Kiran Vyawahare and Dr. Dilip Wasnik did a commendable job and the ceremony ended with the delivery of the vote of thanks by Hon. Secretary, Dr. Soma Cham.