Late Smt. VaishaliMalegaonkar memorial Interesting case presentation competition 2022
Late Smt. Vaishali Malegaonkar memorial Interesting case presentation competition.
ISA NCB has conducted the “Late Vaishali Malegaonkar case presentation” competition for the practitioners on 8th April 2022 at Paithankar Hall at IMA from 6.30 to.8.30 Pm.
At the outset President Dr. Kiran Vyawahare welcomed all the Judges and ISA NCB members. She thanked Dr. Charuta Gadkari for starting such activity. She briefed about Smt. Vaishali Malegaonkar Case Presentation activity and the year of start of the program.
Total 7 ISA NCB members took part in the Competition.
The judges for the program were renowned Cardiac anesthesia practitioner of Nagpur Dr. Vinay Kulkarni, GC member MSCISA and the Associate Professor at IGGMC Dr. Sheetal Dalal and Dr. Umesh Ramtani, Associate Professor at Yavatmal medical college.
The participants were
- Dr. Deepali Mandlik
- Dr. Sanjeevani Lanjewar
- Dr. Vijay Patil
- Dr. Nida Sheikh
- Dr. Payal Kankal
- Dr. Bhuvaneshwari and
- Dr. Naik.
The competition had variety of challenging cases like anesthesia management in Retrosternal thyroid and the Sternal tumor, Carotid body tumor, Cushingoid syndrome with hyperkalemia, Hydrops fetalis child with ant mediating mass, Alveolar proteinosis management.
All cases were presented very well and the competition was very tough and academically very interesting.
The winner of the competition was Dr. Bhuvaneshwari, Assistant Professor at AIIMS Nagpur and Runner up was Dr. Vijay Patil, Assistant Professor at GMC, Nagpur.
All the participants were given the appreciation certificate for the participation.
Dr. Sonali khobragde conducted the program very well.
Joint Secretary ISA NCB, Dr. Dilip Wasnik, executive team members Dr. Neelesh, Dr. Sheetal Samel, Dr. Heena Pahuja and Dr. Anjali Borkar worked hard for the program.
Program was a grand success.
Official vote of thanks were given by Hon. Secretary ISANCB Dr. Sarita Joglekar.