ISA NCB recently conducted the Practical Oriented Training Programme for Post graduate Students at IGGMC , Nagpur on 10th, 11th and 12th of March, 2023.
The program commenced with the opening lecture by DR. Vaishali Shelgaonkar, Prof and Head, IGGMC, Nagpur.
Eminent Faculty from all the Medical Colleges, Dr. Wasudeo Barsagade Prof and Head GMC Nagpur, Dr. Charuta Gadkari, Prof. Emg. Med. JNMC, Sawangi and VP MSCISA, Dr. Sheetal Dalal, Asso. Prof IGGMC, GC Member MSCISA, Dr. Pratibha Deshmukh Head of the Dept. DMMC, Nagpur, Dr. Anjali Sawargaonkar, Dr. Dyaneshwar Fating, Dr. Medha Sangawar, Dr. Soma Cham, Dr. Ramesh Sugandh, Dr. Sanjyot Ninawe, Dr. Sonali Khobragade, Dr. Umesh Ramtani, Dr. Vrishali Ankalwar, Dr. Heena Pahuja, Dr. Vikas Choudhary, Dr. Amrusha Raipure, Dr. Leena Ingle, Dr. Deepak Ruparel, Dr. Dheeraj Bhandari, deliberated their lectures with the Practical tips for case presentations to the post graduate students.
The programme was inaugurated at the hands of our Chief Guest, Dr. Sanjay Bijwe, Dean IGGMC, Nagpur along with the Guest of Honour, Dr. Chandrakant Bokade, Vice Dean, PG, IGGMC, Nagpur.
ISA NCB President Dr. Rashmi Shingade welcomed the gathering reinforcing the importance of such training programs for the exam going post graduate students.
Dr. Shelgaonkar , Dr. Bijwe and Dr. Bokade delivered their pearls of wisdom to the post graduate students on this occasion. Dr. Devayani Thakur proposed the formal Vote of Thanks . Dr. Vaishnavi kulkarni was the Master of ceremony for the inaugural function.
Around 62 post graduate students from GMC, IGGMC , NKPSIMS , JNMC , Sawangi , Daga Hospital , GMC Yavatmal , attended the programme with immense sense of satisfaction.
The programme was flawlessly conducted by the Programme Coordinator Dr. Sonali Khobragade