ISA Nagpur City Branch holds Interesting Cases Competition

Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists – Nagpur City Branch held Vaishali Malegaonkar Memorial Interesting Cases Competition for its members recently. Dr Narendra Tamhane, President of ISA NCB welcomed all. Total eight difficult cases pertaining to anaesthesia management in the perioperative period were presented. There was interactive discussion benefitting one & all. Dr Rashmi Deshpande, Professor in JNMC Sawangi, Dr Akhilesh Sangawar, Professor in GMC Nagpur and Dr Pratibha Deshmukh, Associate Professor in IGGMC Nagpur were judges for the competition.

Dr Priya Sadawarte, Dr B.M. Rajurkar, Dr N.G. Tirpude, Dr Gauri Arora, Dr Vrishali Ankalwar, Dr Jyoti Panhekar, Dr Rajam Subramaniam and Dr Sachin Sadawarte presented the cases.

Anaesthetic management of a case of Multiple Burn Contractures presented by Dr Gauri Arora bagged first prize. Dr Vrushali Ankalwar who presented a case of Bilateral Pheochromocytoma with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy for Bilateral Adrenelectomy received second prize.

Dr Kamlakar Pawar and Dr Alkesh Soni conducted the program. Dr Saurabh Barde, Honorary Secretary of ISA NCB proposed vote of thanks.

In the Photograph from left Dr Charuta Gadkari, Dr Pratibha Deshmukh, Dr Sangawar, Dr Narendra Tamhane, Dr Rashmi Deshpande, Dr Saurabh Barde