Dr. Mrinalini Ballal senior ISA NCB member received a special appreciation certificate from COMHAD UK for her work with Specially abled persons.

Dr. Vivek Chakole Prof. and HOD JNMC Sawangi Wardha, received certificate and a token of appreciation at the 69 th Annual Conference of ISA at Shillong for coordinating the daily online quiz.

Happy to share that Dr OmShubham Asai, Asst Prof, Dept of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, AIIMS Nagpur received the prestigious Janak Mehta Young Scientist Award, at IACTACON 2023, Jodhpur.

Dr Barkha Agrawal represented the Dept of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, AIIMS, Nagpur at IAPA 2023 Coimbatore and won the Second Prize in the E-poster Presentation Competition!