continuous medical education

CME on Current trends in Onco-Anaesthesia!

Virtual CME on “Current trends in Onco-Anaesthesia!”

ISANCB has organized a CME on” Current trends in Onco-anaesthesia” on 13th February from 10am to 1pm on virtual platform. At the outset President Dr. Kiran Vyawahare welcomed the gathering. She highlighted that the number of cancer patients are rising and  so Onco-anaesthesia…

CME on Whats new in Paediatrics

Virtual CME on “What’s new in paediatrics?”

Pediatrics anesthesia is a really technically skillful job. Handling kids pre-operatively is an art, which requires continuous training. ‘Updates and Advances’ in it are need of the hour. To be aware about the new techniques, ISA-NCB conducted MMC accredited Paediatric CME…