
COLS at the RSS Headquarters, Nagpur

ISANCB has Conducted the COLS  workshop  under the “Anesthesia Awareness Program of ISANCB “at RSS Headquarter Nagpur  on 24th May 2022 from 11.00 Am to 12.30 Pm for tritiya Varsha swayamsewaks of the camp At the outset President Dr.Kiran Vyawahare briefed…

COLS and BCLS at New Era Hospital, Nagpur

ISANCB has Conducted the BCLS workshop for nursing staff and the COLS for the Housekeeping and administration under the “Anaesthesia Awareness Program of ISANCB” at New Era hospital on 20th May 2022 from 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm. At the beginning the…

BCLS at D K Dental college

COLS activity at Mankapur Sports Stadium, Nagpur

ISANCB has Conducted the COLS activity under the Anesthesia Awareness Program at Mankapur Sports Stadium on 14h May 2022 from 6.00 Am to 8.00 Am for morning walkers in association with Rotary club Green city Nagpur. Mrs. Manmode social worker welcomed President ISANCB Dr.…

BCLS at D K Dental college

BCLS at Sw. Dadasaheb Kalmegh Dental College

ISANCB has Conducted the BCLS activity under the Anesthesia Awareness Program at Swargiya Dadasaheb Kalmegh Dental college on 11th May 2022 from 3.30 pm to 5 pm. At the outset  Dean Dr. P. Mahesh has welcomed all and briefed the about BCLS…

BCLS activity at Phoenix hospital, Nagpur

Indian Society of Anesthesiologist Nagpur City Branch conducted a BCLS activity for the doctors and staff of Phoenix hospital, Ramdaspeth Nagpur on 15th April.2022 from 2pm to 3pm. Total 30 participants were given hands on training by Dr Deepak Madankar…

First Aid training

“First Aid training center” by National institute of paramedic science and Alternative medicine in collaboration with Governmental Polytechnic college, Nagpur was inaugurated at the Hands of Honorable Chief Guest Dr. Bhavana Sonawane, Dean, IGGMC, Nagpur 12th April at 5pm in…

COLS activity for staff of Maharajbagh Club

On 7th April 2022, on the occasion of the World Health Day, Indian Society Of Anesthesiologist Nagpur City Branch conducted a COLS activity for staff of Maharajbagh Club from 6.45 pm to 7.30 pm. Total 30 participants were given hands…

COLS activity for staff of Omega hospital, Nagpur

On 7th April 2022, on the occasion of the World Health Day, Indian Society of Anesthesiologist Nagpur City Branch conducted a COLS activity for staff of Omega hospital from 1 pm to 2 pm. Total 35 participants were given hands on training by ISA NCB member Dr.…

BCLS and COLS activity at Shravan Hospital, Nandanwan, Nagpur

On 1st April 2022, Indian Society of Anesthesiologist Nagpur City Branch conducted a BCLS and COLS activity at Shravan Hospital, Nandanwan, Nagpur. Total 55 participants including Medical Officers, Nurses, Technicians, and Attendants along with working administrative staff were given hands…

BCLS and COLS activity at Pugalia Hospital, Nagpur

On 30th March 2022, Indian Society of Anesthesiologist Nagpur City Branch conducted a BCLS and COLS activity at Pugalia Hospital, Wardhaman Nagar, Nagpur. Total 40 participants including Nurses along with working administrative staff were given hands on training by Dr.…

BCLS workshop at IGGMC for BPMT students

IGGMC and ISANCB Conducted the BCLS training fo the Bachelor of the paramedics technology (BPMT) students at IGGMC on 30th March in 12-2 pm. 34 BPMT students attended it. Hands on training was given. Airway secured by OPA, LMA and…

COLS at Umred

COLS and First aid activity in Umred

ISANCB has conducted COLS and First aid activity in association with “Shaurya Institute of nursing and paramedics”, Mangalwari Peth Umrer on 24th March 2022 for the institute/school students. The students were given hands on training for the COLS and were…


COLS activity for BNI

ISANCB has Conducted the  1st COLS Workshop for the members of BNI ( Business network international) on 12.03.22 from 4-6 pm at Paithankar Hall. At the outset Dr. President ISA NCB Dr. Kiran Vyawahare, Hon Secretary Dr. Sarita Joglekar and Executive team…


COLS activity at Radiance Hospital

On 10 th March 2022, Indian Society Of Anesthesiologist Nagpur City Branch conducted a BCLS and COLS activity at Radiance Hospital, Wardhaman Nagar, Nagpur. Total 45 participants including Nurses were given BCLS training and administrative staff were given COLS hands…


COLS activity at National Cancer Institute

ISANCB has Conducted the COLS Workshop at National Cancer Institute with the theme of the “International women’s month” celebration on 8th March 2022 from 4 pm-5.30 pm at convention centre. At the outset Dr. Kiran Vyawahare madam President ISANCB welcomed…


COLS activity at IGGMC

On occasion of ‘International Women’s Day ‘ Department of Anaesthesiology, Indira Gandhi Government Medical college and Hospital, Nagpur along with Indian Society of Anesthesiologist-Nagpur City Branch and Department of chest Medicine conducted COLS activity for the female staff and technicians…


COLS activity at Family Court

Mega health checkup camp for women was held by JCI Stree Shakti in Family Court premises. ISA NCB was invited to conduct COLS workshop. Free Hb% BP, ECG, thyroid profile, lipid profile was done. There were lectures on early detection…


MSCISA panel discussion on Women’s Day

MSCISA on the international women‘s day 8th March 2022 had arranged a panel discussion on zoom platform from 7-10pm. President Dr. Kiran Vyawahare and Hon. Secretary Dr. Sarita Joglekar participated. President and secretaries of all branches had given a very…

surgical camp search, gadchiroli

Surgical Camp at SEARCH, Gadchiroli

Doctors Social Responsibility towards society and mankind is unlimited. Every year the Surgical camp was organized at “SEARCH” Gadchiroli. This year it was held on 26th and 27th February 2022. Total 11 surgeries were performed. Surgeries included, 5 Thyroid with…

cols-bcls-search gadchiroli

COLS and BCLS activity at SEARCH, Gadchiroli

COLS and BCLS activity at SEARCH, Gadchiroli was organised by ISANCB and IGGMC on 27th February at a surgical camp and conducted by Dr. Saurabh Barde, Dr. Sheetal Dalal and Dr. Leena Ingale. Scientific approach is needed while saving one…


BCLS and COLS training at Avanti Heart Hospital

Indian Society of Anesthesiologist-Nagpur City Branch conducted a BCLS and COLS training at Avanti Heart Hospital on 22nd February and 23 rd February 2022. Hands on BCLS training was given to 64 participants that includes Resident Medical Officers, Nurses, ICU staff and…


BCLS activity at Avdhoot Hospital

ISA NCB has conducted BCLS/COLS activity at Avdhoot Netralaya, (Dr Rishikesh Mayee) on 11th Feb 2022. Clinical staff of hospital were given demonstration and hands on training of CPR and use of AED. Dr Heena Pahuja, executive member ISA along with…


BCLS activity at Sengupta Hospital

BCLS was conducted by ISANCB on 9th February 2022 in Sengupta hospital from 2-3 pm. Hands on training was given 30 participants including doctors, RMO and nursing staff. Dr. Vikram Alsi ISANCB member conducted the activity.


COLS activity on REPUBLIC DAY 2022

ISANCB conducted the COLS activity for the members of the Rotary club Green city Nagpur and Inner wheel club of Orange city Nagpur on the occasion of the Republic day on 26th January 2022 on zoom platform at 5 pm. Dr. Sharda…


Money Matters – Plan B for White Coat Saviors

Money is not everything but very important for necessities of life and independence and Security of a person.To highlight this idea ISANCB has conducted a program for the members. Topic was”Money matters Plan B for white coat saviors. by Mr.…

bcls matru sewa sangh

BCLS activity at Matru Sewa Sangh

ISA-NCB conducted the BCLS activity at Matru Sewa Sangh Sitabuldi on 1st st January 2022. Hands on training was given to around 30 paramedics by ISA NCB member Dr. Pratibha Lanjewar.


COLS activity at IGGMCH, Nagpur

Department of Anesthesiology, IGGMCH, Nagpur and Indian Society of Anesthesiologist – NCB conducted a COLS activity for general public on 20 December 2021at Indira Gandhi Government Medical college and Hospital, Nagpur at a diagnostic camp for Handicapped people by Zilla…

bcls shree hospital

BCLS at Shree Hospital

BCLS was conducted at Shree hospital on 17th December 2021 at 4 pm. 35 staff attended the program.Hands on training were given by Dr. Shrikant Bobde Consultant Cardiac Anaesthetist and ISA-NCB member.


BCLS at IKON hospital

BCLS activity conducted at IKON hospital on 04.12.21 by Dr. Dilip Wasnik, Joint Secretary ISANCB and consultant Alexis Hospital.Hands on training was given to 27 staff members. Dr.Ravi Gurbani ISANCB member was also present on the occasion.


First Aid lecture at Dr. Ambedkar College

Dr. Leena Ingale Executive member of  ISA NCB and Associate professor at IGGMC conducted the lecture on first Aid  for lifeline Services for Dr. Ambedkar College at Nagpur  on 26th November 2021 from 2-4 pm virtually. The program was attended by…