
CME on Whats new in Paediatrics

Virtual CME on “What’s new in paediatrics?”

Pediatrics anesthesia is a really technically skillful job. Handling kids pre-operatively is an art, which requires continuous training. ‘Updates and Advances’ in it are need of the hour. To be aware about the new techniques, ISA-NCB conducted MMC accredited Paediatric CME…

Cols at Gadchiroli camp

COLS activity at Pediatric Surgical Camp in Gadchiroli

ISA NCB conducted the COLS activity at Pediatric Surgical camp organized by Kingsway hospital Nagpur on 19 th December 2021 at Gadchiroli.Hands on training were given.Almost 20 people were trained.Dr Cham sir, Senior Consultant Anesthetist and Head of the department…